Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Best Way to Pick Up Women

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I know a lot of guys are going to stumble upon this post and become laser focused because you see the BEST way to pick up women. Well I am going to tell you. The thing is, you're probably going to be confused and not understand, or maybe you will understand. You're going to have to commit to understanding this principle if you want attractive women to come into your life. Here it goes. The best way to pick up women is to HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO THAN TO PICK UP WOMEN. 

Neil Strauss (A.K.A. Style), one of the best pick up artists that was trained by Mystery (The world's greatest pick up artist), says this in his DVD Annihilation Method. Why is this? Well, believe it or not, women don't want you to put them first. Putting you're life first is essential in attracting women because you are demonstrating that you are high value and that you're time to yourself is valuable. You have goals and ambitions and that in itself is magnetizing because you're creating a future of success for yourself. 

For instance. Let's say you want to be an actor. What would you do? You would devote your time to being an actor by taking acting classes, getting books on acting, etc. You go to class and you see that there are attractive women there and they're giving you indicators of interest wondering about you. It's because you're there because you WANT to be an actor. In this case, talking with them is cool. On another note, if you're taking an acting class to get women and not to become an actor, then you're probably going to come off as a creepy player guy. Women can pick up on this kind of energy. 

Having something better to do is definitely the best way to pick women. So ask yourself, what do you want to do with your life? If you want to be an athlete, be an athlete. If you want to be an artist, be an artist. If you want to be a doctor, be a doctor. BE THE MAN YOU WANT TO BE. Not only be the man you want to be, but be the best at it. They'll be flocking your way.

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